

2020年12月23日 投稿:stak編集部

3. Remote Work, What You Can Do • 遠隔で出来る仕事




First off:
Released a small sample commercial for stak recently, check it out below!

More of these to come:



In other news, I found some old documents from the VISA Application process that might be appealing to anyone interested. I’ll edit last week’s post and put them at the bottom so check it out!

さて、今週のブログ。With that, let’s begin.


Remote Work, What You Can Do




Here it is, concisely:

You can do work you are asked to do.

But it’s very hard to do work of your own accord.


While everything depends on the person and the company, I believe having dealt with this for the better part of a year in a really difficult situation, that as a general rule what I said holds true.






Across any line of work, there is no one in our world who spends their entire work shift working at full capacity.

Especially but not limited to Japan, most work in our modern societies is just wasting people’s time.

Just take a boring old office. Any one will do. Really, truly, meaningful things have got to make up like 10% of the workflow. There’s all these things that we could really do much faster, and much more efficiently, but because of x rule and y reason, we have to do it the same as always.

The Japanese phrase Business has to Revolve (circulate, go around) makes sense then. Society has to give everyone stuff to do every day. But what about moving society forward?

Our most core philosophy here at stak is to make sure that we value time more than anything else.

The 80-20 Rule








This is a simple enough rule and it’s good to know. You can google it yourself to learn more about the interesting Richard Branson who came up with it, or check out Tim Ferris’s interview with him.

It says that 80% of x comes from 20%.

80% of our happiness comes from 20% of our day.

80% of our productivity while working comes from 20% of our entire time working.

Keep going.

And if I’m honest, that’s how I am with writing blogs. I mean, if it ends up taking me 2 hours to actually write the darn thing, chances are I spent like 6-8 hours before that thinking about it and lazing around and essentially idling.

What I Did




The first thing to understand (and what I needed to understand at first) is that,

I’ll help out where I can is cripplingly vague. Unworkably so.

Even if you’re good with, say languages, visual media, and small businesses, if someone came up to you and said “Ok, work!” would you be able to work? I did the following.







I tried to turn the things I could do into concrete (and consistent) projects.

With languages I became the staff’s english teacher.

Whenever there was a request for it, I translated anything requested.

I also asked for anything already out there, be it website, documents, or important conversations that might be useful, and translated those into English.

For visual media I had them send me 2 stak’s over to my home in the US, and I dove into for me a new brand of photography with advertising and product shoots. I also took over their instagram.

As for small businesses, I took a long and hard look at the world through the internet, and combed it for companies that seemed like they could potentially work with us in some capacity. Then I contacted them and became the interpreter for any advancements.







Things you’re not sure about. Try!

This is the most important, but the most difficult. Those things that you don’t think you can do.

With International Business, me, who knows nothing… well I tried to put out all my thoughts and opinions.

One thing Bossman Ueda does extremely well is the essence. Knowing it, and coaxing it out of people. The essence of things, the essence of ideas, the essence of what you’re doing. He’ll always say he really seriously wants to hear your thoughts on x or y, and the reason he wanted you in stak in the first place is because of the way you think. So I had to really trust that, and try a bunch of new things.

From that, I got into programming and web design. I’ve always been one with strong opinions and who is comfortable voicing them, but starting to feel comfortable doing that with the company brought me to the point of bringing up a website redesign. I guess he thought that was a good impetus to do so, and promptly gave me the reins on the project. It did end up taking a while, but hey, we got it done.

Of course there are so, so many other things I tried. The blog is one thing I had never done before. While I love writing, I’ve always been a very private writer taking to travel writing and poetry in one of countless journals.

Simple Advice







It’s better to do it earlier than later.

If what you’re doing is producing nothing, give it up.

Habits and systems leads to production. 

Working remotely is already enough flexibility.

Keep a balance of things you can do, and things you want to try.

You need a place (and possible time) that you do your work.

