

2020年12月17日 投稿:stak編集部

2. Visas and Australia ビザとオーストラリア




こらがstak familyは、みんなに共有したら誰かのためになる情報に思ってる。日本だけではなくて、どんな国からだとしても、海外に住もう、外国人を雇おう、と考える人がこれからの世界では増えていくばっかりだと思われる。

For the 2nd entry in this series, there are two main things I’m going to talk about.

The first will be what exactly it takes to live in Japan, should you think to do so.

The other will be about how I ended up in Australia in the first place.

All of us at stak, after having gone through this process over such a long period with such challenging circumstances, thought this info would be not just interesting, but also probably helpful for a lot of people out there. Really it’s not about Japan, but related to anyone who might want to work abroad, or hire someone from abroad. And in the world we live in today, the number of those people seems like it will do nothing but continue to skyrocket.

観光と旅 • Sightseeing and Traveling






If you’re someone crazy like me you might try to get lost abroad a few times in your life.

I don’t just mean sightseeing, but really traveling. Letting go of your ‘home’ and becoming yourself in a new environment. When you manage that, things change. Unnecessary things fall away, and new things come together. Unexpected things remain, feeling more precious than before, and certain things stay constant.

I cannot recommend enough how important this was for me. But I wouldn’t recommend travel in particular, just recommend following your gut for what you should do.

ビザというモノ • The Thing Called a Visa








To be abroad you need a VISA. Permission to be there.

There are lots of countries out there where tourist visas are not automatic things, and you need to apply beforehand.

Japan gives 3 month tourist visas (you may stay but may not work), and you can use two 3-month periods in a year (though I have never been asked by immigration about this, those are the rules).

To work in Japan you need a working Visa.

Working Holiday: If you’re from a country that participates in the working holiday agreement (not USA), you can do a working holiday in Japan which is a fantastic opportunity. This is what I did last year to try my hand at freelance videography and coffee barista work.

To get a Visa, you need a sponsor. (Usually a company)

Realistically, your paths to getting to Japan are limited to being a student there, teaching English, or if you’re good in your field it’s possible to get hired for an IT company. (If you’re not a student, you’ll likely need a college degree).

The reasons are respectively, English, English, and a linguistically unrestricted field.

If you are the other kind of people who are looking for work in Japan, who speak Japanese, but aren’t doing IT work, you’ll have to deal with what Stak and I did.

日本で外国人を雇う • Hiring a Foreigner in Japan



Of course, if you’re after specific, official information, you can just google to find it. I’ve also found the ministry of foreign affairs website to be relatively good, if a little confusing to navigate.

There are also Visa Sensei’s, whose job it is to orchestrate this circus act of bringing a foreign worker to work in Japan. 

厚生労働省•Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare

外務省•Ministry of Foreign Affairs


However, understanding what you’ll actually have to do with all those applications and information, in normal thinking terms – we can help you there.


  1. お金と時間を柔軟に使えることが必要。ビザ申請が最初から降りるまで、3〜6ヶ月間ぐらいかかる。私たちの場合では、4ヶ月半だった。状況によるけど、それが働けない時期になるかもしれない。
  2. 整理する必要がある。大切な書類をまとめて、キチンとオーガナイズをすること。何がどこにあるかわかって、全てをスキャンとコピーをする。ただ一つの例えだが、大学卒業証書の原本が必要、必要であれば再発行するのと、送るのも時間がかかる。早めに動くのが重要。
  3. 会社がどれだけ信頼してくれてるかわかる。なぜ日本に行く、いつまでいたいと思ってる、どうしてこの会社で働きたいという理由を全部、自分の中ではっきりと理解すべき。
  4. 会社側では、雇う外国人がどれだけ信頼してくれてるというのも尊重すべき。社長だけではなくて、スタフ全員が納得しないと大変なことになるかもしれない。海外に引っ越すのは簡単にやることでは全くないし、日本で働くことが楽勝に思う人が一人もいない。


  1. You need to be able to be flexible. With time, with money, and with relocating. The Visa process can take 3-6 months. It took us about 4.5. Depending on your situation, you might not be able to work during this time.
  2. You need to be organized (not a bad thing to become). Have all your travel/essential documents together, copied, scanned, and clear in your mind. This means everything. This might include mailing your actual college diploma across the world.
  3. You need to respect the commitment the company is making. Know why you’re going to Japan, know how long you want to be there, know you really want to work for the company. It’s not an easy process to get you there.
  4. The company needs to respect you as well. They, all of their employees, need to try to understand the commitment you are making. It is not an easy task to move abroad, nor is it easy to work in Japan.




最終的な目的としては、在留資格認定証明書(CoE) がある。要は、外国にある日本大使館に「この人にビザ出していいよ」って許可を与えるもの。政府との申請がいよいよ通れたら、会社に郵送される。そして、自分がいるところに送る必要があって、大使館に持って行くのが次。場所によるけど、1〜2週間を待ったら、ビザがパスポートに貼ってくれて、それを持って日本に入国できるようになる。入国の際に、ビザがあり次第、空港で在留カードが発行される。



First of all, it will take up to 6 months. You have to have your company documents together, and your employee-to-be’s documents together.

You’ll submit their documents with an application form, written explanations as to why you need the employee, and why the employee wants to come to Japan. You’ll wait. You’ll get stuff back that likely need adjustments. Repeat.

When I came in 2015 to be an English teacher, I didn’t have to really think about it. Like a lot of ALTs and Eikaiwas, they actually had me enter on a tourist visa and start working while we waited on the official paperwork to go through and my working visa to come. Yeah… In our case with Stak, I had to submit a resume (according to their format) complete with educational and employment history. This was checked. I also had to submit a short essay about my thoughts on Japan (“I love Japan”). I had to send in my original diploma, as well as multiple copies of all my documents. I had to answer lots of different questions about my past and my time in Japan (reasonable considering the amount

The overall goal is the get the Certificate of Eligibility COE. This is essentially the green light to the embassy where you live that they can give you a Visa. It will be mailed to the company when the government finally produces it, and then they’ll have to mail it to you. You’ll bring it to the embassy, and wait another period for them to produce your actual VISA. With this, you can go to Japan and receive a residence card upon arrival at the airport during immigration.

Every person’s situation is different which is why this is so difficult for anyone, even government bodies, to explain properly. So, please feel free to comment and ask me -anything- and I will try to help.

マイケル、なぜオーストラリアにいたの? • Why Was I in Australia?




To put it simply, I’d already given up on Japan.

If not for Stak, I wouldn’t be here now.

I spent 2018 saving up money in the USA, then spending 6 months traveling doing different projects in Japan hoping to find something. There were lots of promising things, but nothing worked out. One company I thought was going to hire me turned out to have 0 idea of the Visa process and bailed on me last minute. Luckily, I’d started the working holiday visa process, and spent 2019 in Japan doing that and diving into freelance. I figured if that didn’t work, it just wasn’t meant to be. Nearly at the end of my time in Japan, I found stak.. or rather, stak found me. And now more than a year later, I’m finally back in Japan, here to work for them.

